


The fascinating Venice, in the evocative location of the Arsenale, hosted the final ceremony of the 4th edition of the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour, in the presence of numerous civil and military authorities.
Organized by Difesa Servizi S.p.A., in collaboration with the Navy and with SSi Sports & Events, with the support of ENIT - National Tourism Agency - and the Italian Sailing Federation, the sporting event created to spread the values ??of the Navy and promote the brand of the Armed Forces through sailing, has become, over the years, an effective tool for promoting tourism and the beauty of the country. The Sports Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers is also among the main partners of the event. Starting with the “Lanterna Stage”, dedicated precisely to the city of Genoa, to continue towards Sanremo “Fiori Stage”, La Maddalena “Gallura Stage”, Gaeta “Grifone Stage”, Catanzaro “Cassiodoro Stage”, Durazzo (ALB ) “Land of Eagles Stage”, Vieste “Gargano Stage”, San Benedetto Del Trotto “Riviera of Palms Stage”, Chioggia “Divine Stage”, ended in Venice - “Doge's Stage” - on 20 July with the awards ceremony. The overall victory went to the Guardia di Finanza, in the very year in which the Corps celebrates the 250th anniversary of its Constitution, a success also repeated in the WINGFOIL category. The WASZP class went to the Italian Yacht Club team, while in the offshore category, the Air Force team won the top step of the podium. Present at the final ceremony was the Sub-Chief of Staff of the Navy, Team Admiral Giuseppe Berutti Bergotto, who during his speech highlighted how "the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour is a sailing event that brings together sport, values ??and sustainability. An event that allows us to understand what the best way to be at the sea is, because the sea has always been our only resource".
For the CEO of Difesa Servizi SpA, Dr. Luca Andreoli, "a sailing event that has become among the most important in Italy which welcomes national and international athletes, an all-Italian format which in this 4th edition has further increased its value", adding that "the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour is a sporting competition but at the same time a container of many important themes, including environmental sustainability, tourism, the promotion of territories and the projects that Difesa Servizi SpA carries out, first of all the Value Country Italy Lighthouses. This year too, the boats ideally united, through their routes, these highly evocative works whose valorisation, conducted by Difesa Servizi S.p.A. and the State Property Agency, represents a true rebirth of evocative places, once the heritage of a few but finally a collective heritage. A successful format, totally made in Italy, but which is acquiring more and more relevance on an international level, demonstrating the ability of the "Country System" to team up with other institutions, private individuals and businesses".
Great satisfaction was also expressed by the President of SSI Sports & Events, Dr. Riccardo Simoneschi: "we find more and more pleasure from the various cities that host the tour, confirming that the message that the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour intends to promote is received at its best and brings the beauty of our coasts, our sea and sailing around the world."
In fact, the mayors and representatives of the municipalities that were part of the tour circuit were also present at the ceremony, who expressed the common thought of how the Pink Ribbon Tour is a unique opportunity for the promotion of the territories, their cultures, traditions and immense tourist heritage.
Of particular importance is another initiative which saw the involvement of Difesa Servizi SpA and the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour. This year, the Ministry of Education and Merit has announced a national competition for primary and secondary schools of 1 ° degree, for the creation of the poster “Coppa Primavela Kinder Joy of Moving 2024”, in collaboration with the Italian Sailing Federation and precisely the involvement of Difesa Servizi SpA. For over 30 years the Coppa Primavela has represented a great event reserved for very young people and expresses the passion for this sport. The announcement included a theme on the Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour, entitled: The Tour of Italy under sail: What sensations and emotions do you expect to experience". The student Giulia Mammano from the Quirino Maiorana Institute in Catania won the prize. In this edition, for all the stages of the tour, by virtue of a cooperation agreement signed by Difesa Servizi SpA and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry (MASAF), a campaign to promote the fishing sector took place local. A real cultural and informative space aimed at the knowledge of fish culture aimed at families and users in order to promote an icon of the Mediterranean diet so deeply embedded in the history of our country.
The Marina Militare Nastro Rosa Tour is now moving towards its fifth edition which already promises to be full of new features.